Saturday, September 21, 2024


Raheem calls Nijaifi to pay attention to Iraqi internal affairs before caring about Arab issues

Raheem calls Nijaifi to pay attention to Iraqi internal affairs before caring about Arab issues

Baghdad ( MP Lubna Raheem of the Iraqiya Slate called the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Osama al-Nijaifi, to show interest to the internal Iraqi affairs before caring about the Arab situations.

Raheem added in a statement received by “We do not object the visit of Nijafi to Gaza Strip where our people in Gaza deserve all kinds of support, but we grieve when we see our Iraqi provinces suffer from poor service, economic and medical situations without seeing any serious step by the officials to address these miserable situations.”

It is worth mentioning that a parliamentary delegation headed by Nijaifi has departed Baghdad, on last Monday, to Gaza Strip to stress solidarity with the affected Palestinian people and present financial aid for them.