Sunday, September 22, 2024


Former MP criticizes granting 100, 000 barrel of oil to Jordon

Former MP criticizes granting 100, 000 barrel of oil to Jordon

Baghdad ( MP, Amira al-Baldawi, called the Council of Ministers to settle its own crises rather than the regional crises.

In a press statement received by on Wednesday, Baldawi criticized granting 100,000 barrel of crude oil as a present to Jordan, wondering about “The reason behind granting the oil to Jordan and the responsibility of Iraq towards the issues of other countries.”

“100,000 barrel equal 10,500 USD Million where many poor Iraqis suffer for the bad services and the hard living condition,” she added, assuring that “The CoM violated the constitution by granting the oil barrels to Jordan because they belong to the Iraqi people and the CoM has no right to grant what it does not own.”

“We did not witness the support of any Jordanian official during the previous hard years that Iraq passed and we do not know whether this grant is suggested by the USA to save Jordan or it is a real Iraqi initiative,” she pointed out.

She called the parliament “To stop the unjustified grants that help the falling countries.”

Earlier, The Iraqi Government announced granting 100, 000 barrel of crude oil as a present to the Jordanian people.

The Spokesperson of the Iraqi Government, Ali al-Dabbagh, said on Tuesday “The Council of Ministers approved granting 100, 000 oil barrel as a present to the friendly Jordanian people.”

Earlier, some MPs have criticized the movements towards the Arab countries to present financial aids at a time the Iraqi poor provinces suffer from many problems where the majority of the Iraqi cities need attention and issuance of legislations before heading to the Arab cities and offer aids.