Sunday, September 22, 2024


Urgent – Maliki instructs Ministry of Culture to cancel its intended contract with Rotana

Breaking News...Maliki instructs Ministry of Culture to cancel its intended contract with Rotana

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, instructed the Ministry of Culture to cancel the contract that it intends to conclude with the media group of Rotana, which belongs to the Saudi prince Waleed bin Talal, to organize the events of the Festival of Baghdad the Capital of Arab Culture.

The head of the Parliamentary Media and Culture Committee, Ali al-Shalah, stated to “Maliki sent an official document addressing the Ministry to cancel this contract that the Ministry intends to conclude with Rotana with amount of 11 million,” without clarifying the reasons.

“The decision is based on recommendation submitted by the Committee to cancel the contract due to its huge amount,” he concluded.

It is worth mentioning that the former Minister of Culture, Mufeed al-Jazairi, confirmed “The fund allocated for the contract to be concluded with media group of Rotana, which belongs to the Saudi prince, Waleed bin Talal, to organize the events of the Festival of Baghdad the Capital of Arab Culture is exaggerated.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The celebration of these events must be done only by Iraqi cultivated figures as it should involve performing plays, music and the like.”

“Iraq has many qualified people who have their arts and genius to assume this task,” he assured.

“The fund allocated for this contract is exaggerated and better to be spent on developing the Iraqi cultural sites that suffer from negligence,” he concluded.

Earlier, The Media and Culture Parliamentary Committee directed an official order to the Ministry of Culture to clarify the truth regarding its agreement with the media group of Rotana, which belongs to the Saudi prince Waleed bin Talal, to organize the events of the Festival of Baghdad the Capital of Arab Culture.

The chairman of the committee, Ali al-Shalah, stated to “Iraq has potentials in organizing celebrations and festivals and we just do not understand why the Ministry of Culture hired the Rotana Media Group to assume the events of Baghdad Festival,” stressing that “The Cultural Parliamentary Committee will strongly oppose this agreement since we do not need such companies.”

He added “The allocated funds for the festival would better go to Iraqi companies to assume this task rather than any other sides,” noting that “The agreement stipulates to pay USD (30) million to Rotana Media Group for organizing the festival.”

He pointed out “We hope that this news is incorrect and the committee sent an official decree to the Minister of Culture to question over this matter in particular.”