Sunday, September 22, 2024


MoC denies contracting with Rotana

MoC denies contracting with Rotana

Baghdad ( The Ministry of Culture denied signing any contract with the media group of Rotana, which belongs to the Saudi prince Walleed bin Talal, to organize the events of the Festival of Baghdad the Capital of Arab Culture.

The Ministry of Culture Undersecretary, Taher al-Hamud, reported in press conference held at the building of the Ministry, attended by the correspondent of on Thursday, “The Ministry did not conclude any contract with Rotana or any other company, but, it conducted some negotiations with the company to discuss the technical and logistic sides regarding the inauguration ceremony of the Festival.”

”In case we decided to conclude a contract with any foreign company it will be considered as very normal thing to make use of the worldwide technical aspects of technology in theater which requires specialized companies,” noting that “Iraq has already hired a foreign company to run the administrative aspects for the Arab Summit, which was held in Baghdad, and it was successful experience.”

Some media outlets reported news attributed to a source in the Ministry of Culture concerning an agreement to be concluded between the Ministry of Culture and the media group of Rotana to organize the event of the Festival of Baghdad the capital of Arab culture of 2012. \