Saturday, September 21, 2024


Woman Committee criticizes HR report over transgressions against female prisoners in Iraq

Woman Committee criticizes HR report over transgressions against female prisoners in Iraq

Baghdad ( MP, Huda Sajad, of the Parliamentary Woman and Child Committee criticized the report of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee over the transgressions against the female prisoners in Iraq.

She stated to Iraqi News ( on Friday “The parliament chairmanship requested the HR Committee to submit its reports over the transgressions against the females prisoners without consulting the Women Committee and the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee.”

“The HR Committee submitted the report without inviting us to review it which means that there is some sides work to change the facts and disturb the situation,” she added, noting that “This report is doubtful.”

“We have visited the female prisons and did not find any of the transgressions mentioned in the report where we have seen the opposite and the prisons administrations behave with the female prisoners in a humanitarian way,” she concluded.

Earlier, the HR Committee held the prisons administrations the responsibility of torturing the female prisoners in the prisons, calling the released prisoners to submit complains against those who tortured them.

Some female organizations referred to the transgressions against the female prisoners on the prisons, whereas the Justice Ministry denied such issue.