Friday, September 27, 2024


Maliki accuses IPC of paying bribes to hinder investigations on CBI

Maliki accuses IPC of paying bribes to hinder investigations on CBI

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, accused some members of the Integrity Parliamentary Committee of paying bribe of millions of US dollars to hinder the investigations over the case of the Central Bank of Iraq.

During the press conference that he held on Saturday, he confirmed “The highest authority for sustaining integrity pay five million USD as a bribe to hinder the investigations over the case of the head of the CBI, Sinan al-Shibibi, but we did not and will not hurdle any procedure concerning those who prove to in be involved in this case.”

Over the disputes between the Central Government and the Kurdistani Regional Government, he added Kurdistan RegionG does not adhere to the constitution and recently it is responsible of escalation between Erbil and Baghdad.”

“Forming Operations Command does not need a constitutional article since it is temporary organizational measure that will be needless after achieving security stability,” he continued.

“The Iraqi Federal Army has the right to move to any place in Iraq,” he concluded.