Monday, September 23, 2024


Sihail urges to settle corruption cases of armament contracts, CBI professionally

Sihail urges to settle corruption cases of armament contracts, CBI "professionally"

Baghdad ( The first Deputy Speaker, Qusay al-Sihail, confirmed that “The joint Parliamentary committee forming from the Defense and Integrity Committees is responsible of exposing the details of the corruption cases of the armament contracts and the Central Bank of Iraq.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “These cases must be dealt with professionally as they are currently referred to the judicial sides.”

“The joint committee has to follow up the figures involved in these cases to enable the parliament to take its role in putting an end for the corruption,” he concluded.

Earlier, the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, assured that some sides attempt to hinder the armament contracts with Russia, stressing that we have only general information about the involved corrupted figures without evidences.