Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maliki forms armed militias of one community in disputed areas, says Bafi

Maliki forms armed militias of one community in disputed areas, says Bafi

Baghdad ( MP, Hameed Bafi, of the Kurdistani Alliance revealed that the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, formed armed of one community in the disputed areas of Kirkuk, Diyala and Nineveh provinces.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “About 18,000 elements of one community have joined an armed militia and they were provoked against Kurds,” noting that “Such issue is scaring.”

“Maliki deployed armed brigades, stored ammos and stretched the artillery in 32 km in addition to tanks and warplanes in the disputed areas,” he confirmed, stressing that “This is indicating predicting a huge war according to the military norms.”

“The President, Jalal Talabani, will discuss with the other political sides the means of obliging Maliki to adhere to the constitution and to avoid exploiting the Iraqi Army in the political disputes,” he concluded.