Saturday, September 21, 2024


Nijaifi presents Barzani new proposal over solving current crisis

Nijaifi presents Barzani new proposal over solving current crisis

Baghdad ( The Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Osama al-Nijaifi, announced presenting new proposal for the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, over running the security file in the disputed areas and solving the current crisis between the Iraqi Central Government and Kurdistan Regional Government.

A statement by Nijaifi’s media office cited that “Within his efforts to calm down the tensed situation and alleviate the crisis between the CG and Kurdistan RegionG, Nijaifi met on last Tuesday with Barzani in Erbil where they discussed the means of addressing the current crisis and the new proposals in this respect.”

“The Speaker presented, during the meeting, a proposal includes withdrawing the army forces and Peshmerga military forces from the disputed areas and replacing them with local police to avoid any military clash between the two military sides,” the statement added.

“For his part, Barzani described this proposal as positive but needs to be discussed during the meetings of the technical-military commission that was formed earlier between both of the disputing sides,” the statement concluded.

It is expected that Nijaifi will meet with the Premier Nouri al-Maliki after his return from Erbil.