Saturday, September 21, 2024


IS’s MP denies reports over arming Arab militias in disputed areas


Baghdad ( MP Faris al-Sanjri of the Iraqiya Slate denied the reports over arming Arab militias in the disputed areas as these areas are under the responsibility of Peshmerga military forces.

Sanjri told “If there is real arming for Arab forces, then Peshmerga know about it, stressing “These reports are groundless.”

“We support any step that helps settle the disputes between Baghdad and Erbil,” he added questioning “the truthfulness of the political leaders in resolving the current crisis between Baghdad and Erbil.”

Earlier, MP Hamid Bafi of the Kurdistani Alliance has told, on last Tuesday, that the Premier Nouri al-Maliki formed armed militias of certain community in a number of areas in Kirkuk, Diyala and Nineveh provinces which reach about 18, 000 elements to use them against the Kurds.