Friday, September 27, 2024


Sadrist MP holds Maliki responsible for canceling granting part of oil revenues to Iraqi people

Sadrist MP holds Maliki responsible for canceling granting part of oil revenues to Iraqi people

Baghdad ( MP, Ali al-Timimi, of the Sadr Trend, held the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, the reposnsibility of canceling the granting a part of the oil incomes to the Iraqi people.

In a press statement received by on Wednesday, he said “Canceling granting a part of the oil incomes to the Iraqi people is a shock to the Iraqi people especially the poor,” expressing surprise over “Canceling the Article related to this issue.”

He held Maliki “The responsibility of canceling this Article,” calling him to “Apologize to the Iraqi people and reconsider this decision as soon as possible.”

Earlier, MP, Mohammed al-Jobouri, of the Sadr Trend stated “Maliki submitted an objection to the Federal Court to cancel the parliament decision over granting a part of the oil incomes to the Iraqi people where the Federal Court approved this objection.”