Friday, September 20, 2024


Air Force football team to put flowers on Arafat’s tomb

Air Force football team to put flowers on Arafat\

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Air Force Football team arrived to Palestine at late hour of Monday evening coming from Amman, the capital of Jordon, to meet the Palestinian Thahiriya Football team in a match within the Arab Football Federations championship cup on Wednesday.

The Iraqi team suffered many obstacles by Israeli forces during inspection procedures while they were traveling to Palestine.

At the arrival of the Iraq team, the Palestinian Football Union and officials of the Palestinian Thaihiriya FC team conducted an official reception for Iraqi Air Force Team.

The Iraqi team is scheduled to visit the tomb of the late Palestinian President, Yasir Arafat, to put a wreath of flowers at the tomb of the former president.

The head of the Iraqi mission, Abass Fadhil, confirmed that ”All the members of the Iraqi mission are so happy since their dream to visit Palestine became true,” considering that ”The joy of visiting Palestine overcame even their winning in the match.”

The technical meeting and the press conference of the Iraqi team will be held at seven o’clock on Tuesday at the meetings hall in the headquarter of the Football Union in Ram Allah. \