Monday, September 23, 2024


Lakash denies launching statement against Dori

Lakash denies launching statement against Dori

Baghdad ( MP, Mohammed al-Lakash, of the Citizen bloc denied launching a statement against MP, Maha al-Dori.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “I did not mention any name in my last statement over attacking the religious authority,” noting that “We are no surprised over attacking the religious authority by such barbarian people who want to cover their failure in providing the services to the Iraqi people.”

“The religious authority is the reason behind granting such people their posts,” he added, assuring that Such statements are resulted from revealing the names of the corrupted officials in the corruption issues accompanied the armament deal with Russia and the Ration card.”

“The Iraqis and the religious authority will not do anything regarding this issue,” he concluded.

Earlier, some media outlets stated that Lakash attributed the statements of Dori and others to their corruption and stealing the public fund.