Monday, September 23, 2024


MP calls Kuwait to show flexibility concerning relieving Iraq from 7th Chapter

MP calls Kuwait to show flexibility concerning relieving Iraq from 7th Chapter

Baghdad ( Member of the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, Imad Yaqoo, called Kuwait to show flexibility concerning relieving Iraq from the international sanctions imposed according to the 7th Chapter of the UN Charter.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “There are developments concerning the settlement of the pending issues between Iraq and Kuwait and this issue needs more cooperation between the two countries.”

Iraq informed the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon that it will continue paying the dues to Kuwait and to establish the trust with Kuwait,” he added.

“Now, it is Kuwait’s turn to show flexibility to help in relieving Iraq from the 7th Chapter that was imposed on Iraq due to the policies of the former regime,” he continued.

“There are complicated issues unlike the issue of the Iraqi Airways that was solved including the border and the captives as well as the missing issues,” he concluded.