Monday, September 23, 2024


Urgent – Kurdistan RegionG strongly denounced Maliki’s statements to Kuwaiti newspaper

Breaking News ... Kurdistan RegionG strongly denounced Maliki\

Baghdad ( The Kurdistani Regional Government strongly denounced the statements of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to one of the Kuwaiti newspapers.

A statement received by, quoted the spokesperson of the Kurdistan RegionG, Omid Sabah, as saying “Maliki started to released unreal statements coinciding the corruptions issues related to the armament deal and others that his office is involved in them where he tries to create a new crisis after settling one.”

“Maliki talks about the disputed areas and called them (The joint areas) where these areas were taken from Kurdistan Region and Maliki wants to keep them in spit of approving that in the Article 140 of the constitution,” he concluded.