Saturday, September 21, 2024


Talabani, Musa review political developments in Iraq

Talabani, Musa review political developments in Iraq

Baghdad ( The Iraqi President Jalal Talabani stressed the importance of the mutual cooperation among all the political sides to overcome the problems which hinder the progress of the country.

A statement by Talabani’s office cited “The President received in Baghdad the Secretary General of the Iraqi Communist Party, Hamid Majid Musa and a number of the Party’s figures.”

“The meeting witnessed reviewing the developments on the political arena where Talabani confirmed the significance of exerting further efforts to get over the current crisis which disturb the establishment of the new state of Iraq,” the statement added.

“For his part, Musa stressed the ICP’s support for Talabani’s efforts that aim to calm down the tensions,” the statement concluded.