Saturday, September 21, 2024


Barzani: Approving Article 140 of constitution means Kirkuk belongs to Kurdistan Region

Barzani: Approving Article 140 of constitution means Kirkuk belongs to Kurdistan Region

Erbil ( The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani visited, Kirkuk province and met with the Peshmerga forces stationed in Laylan area.

A statement by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan received by, quoted Barzani In a speech to the Peshmerga forces, as saying “You are protecting the future of the people of Kurdistan which is a sacred task, stressing that the Kurds are against wars, and that the people of Kurdistan have made great sacrifices to reach to this day.”

“Barzani pointed to his and President Jalal Talabani’s efforts in building the new Iraq, and the establishment of the Constitution, which guarantees the unity of Iraq,” the statement added.

“In another aspect of his speech, Barzani stressed the need to commit to the constitution , assuring that approving of Article 140 of the constitution does not indicate the existence of doubts about the Kurdish identity of Kirkuk and the other Separated Areas, but it was to address the problems through the implementation of the Constitution,” the statement concluded.