Monday, September 23, 2024


Interrogation committee over Russian armament deal send questions for Maliki

Interrogation committee over Russian armament deal send questions for Maliki

Baghdad ( The Commanding General of the Iraqi Armed Forces Premier Nouri al-Maliki received written form of questions sent by the Parliamentary Committee tasked with interrogating corruption suspicions within the Armament deal with Russia.

Member of the Committee Jaafar al-Musawi stated to on Saturday “The Investigation committee sent several written questions to the Premier over the corruption suspicions within the Russian armament deal and the committee is waiting for the answers,” without revealing the nature of the questions.

The Iraqi Government has concluded several agreements with Russia and Czech Republic during a visit done by the PM Maliki.

The Iraqi Government decided to cancel the armament deals due to corruption suspicions and repeat the negotiations over them through forming a new delegation to confirm its intention to buy the weapons to protect the security of the country.