Friday, September 20, 2024


Abbasi criticizes politicians doubt neutrality, professionalism of Iraqi judiciary

Abbasi criticizes politicians doubt neutrality, professionalism of Iraqi judiciary

Baghdad ( MP, Ahmed al-Abbasi, of the State of Law Coalition described confirmed that the Iraqi judiciary is neutral and professional and criticized the politicians who doubt its neutrality and professionalism.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The Iraqi judiciary has a great transparent history despite the various conditions and pressures of the former regime.”

“At the current stage, the Iraqi judiciary is performing its role with greater freedom due to its independence from the Ministry of Justice,” he added.

“All over the world, the judiciary is subject to the politicians’ accusations who do not care for the interests of the country,” he continued.

“When the judicial authority becomes independent and neutral, it will be subject to defamation by some blocs harmed by its decisions,” he concluded.