Friday, September 27, 2024


Nijaifi, Barzani review updates on political arena

Nijaifi, Barzani review updates on political arena

Baghdad ( MP Faris al-Sanjri of the Iraqiya Slate said that the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Osama al-Nijaifi discussed with the President of Kurdistan Region the political crisis besides the issue of raiding the protection officer office of the Minister of Finance Rafa al-Issawi and arresting a number of his guards.

Sanjri told Iraqi News “During his current visit to Kurdistan Region, Nijaifi discussed with Masoud Barzani the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil as well as discussing the recent action by the Federal Government concerning swooping Issawi’s Protection Officer Office.”

“The request of withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, is still there in case he did not correct his recent acts,” he added.