Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdish MP accuses Kurdistan RegionG of propitiating Turkey on account of Syrian Kurds

Kurdish MP accuses Kurdistan RegionG of propitiating Turkey on account of Syrian Kurds

Baghdad ( MP Mohamed Kyiani of the Taghyeer Movement criticized the Kurdistan Regional Government for trying to propitiate Turkey on account of the Kurds in Syria through closing borders in front of the Syrian Kurds who want to escape the violence in their country.

Kyiani cited that “None opening the borders with Syria and providing the Syrian Kurds with aids and hinder their trade by the Kurdistan Regional Government is utterly shameful and inhumane stance on all levels as it will affect the Kurdish issue in Syria,” stressing “The motives behind these acts maybe to gain the trust of Turkey.”

He added “The Syrian Kurds have suffered a lot over long years where they were regarded as second-class citizens deprived of their basic human rights where they are not granted the Syrian citizenship.”

“But when they approached achieving their dream of living in freedom and dignity they found themselves under the weight of the Syrian Free Army, Turkey, and finally, the Kurdistan RegionG shared this plot against them instead of extending a helping hand to pull them out of their sufferings and critical situation,” Kyiani concluded.

It is worth mentioning that mass demonstrations have took into street in Sulaimaniya, demanding to open borders in front of the Syrian Kurdish refugees to allow providing them with assistance.