Friday, September 27, 2024


Janabi: Arresting Esawi’s guards targets whole community

Janabi: Arresting Esawi\

Baghdad ( MP, Mudhhir al-Janabi, of the Iraqiya Slate stated “Arresting the guards of the Finance Minister, Rafi al-Esawi, does not target Esawi, but targets a whole community.”

In a press statement received by on Sunday, he said “The arrest warrants were for ten guards, but the way of arresting them included all the guards.”

“The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, had to inform Esawi about the wanted guards and the latter will do the required procedures,” he concluded.

Earlier, a military force raided the office of the commander of the Esawi’s guards in the International Green Zone and arrested the guards in spite of Esawi’s presence in the office.

nd? 6 t ‘ (6 ?%# a military force raided the office of the commander of the Esawi’s guards in the International Green Zone and arrested the guards in spite of Esawi’s presence in the office.