Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maysan wins award of most beautiful street of Iraq

Maysan wins award of most beautiful street of Iraq

Maysan, Amara ( Maysan province announced wining the first position in the contest of the most beautiful street in Iraq which was conducted by the Council of Ministers according to scientific and aesthetic standards set by experts.

The Governor of Maysan province, Ali Lazim Dawi, mentioned in statement received by on Sunday ”The results of the contest showed that a street in Amara city called (Qahira neighborhood Cornish) has won the first positionon the basis of the scientific and technical standards that were set by artists, architects agricultural experts as well as traffic experts.”

”This award has been accomplished as a result of the cooperation and efforts of the engineering and technical cadres in the province,” noting that “A central celebration will be held at Baghdad hall at the building of the General Secretariat of the Cabinet in Baghdad to receive the award, ”the statement added. \