Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraqi News publishes details of investigation committee over armament deal with Russia

 Iraqi News publishes details of investigation committee over armament deal with Russia

Breaking News ... Iraqi News publishes details of investigation committee over armament deal with Russia


Baghdad ( A source within the parliamentary investigation committee for the corruption issues accompanied the armament deal with Russia, revealed the report of the committee which comprises the recommendations of the parliament chairmanship to send this case to the integrity commission in order to investigate the Iraqi officials and the mediators between the two sides.

The source stated to Iraqi News ( “The report included the resolutions and the results of the investigations that are the following:

1- The armament deal was signed in initials where the Iraqi side was represented by the Head of the Armament System.

2- The negotiations were with most of the Russian armament companied and supervised by the Russian Federal Committee.

3- The financial issues were done through the Iraqi TBI bank.

4- There is a huge difference in the prices between the first and the second proposals where the first proposal included 9% discount and the second one included 30%.

5- There is n exaggeration with the prices of some of the weapons, for example the Sniper was in 26,000 USD, whereas another price for the same weapons did not exceed 6,000 USD.

6- There are Iraqis and non-Iraqis mediators in this deal according to MP, Ezzat al-Shabandar, and the former Spokesperson of the government, Ali al-Dabbagh, where the mediators were the Advisor of the President, Abdul Aziz al-Badri, Ali al-Fayadh, Majid al-Qaisi and a Russian named Youri.

7- The amount of the deal was four Billions and 300 Million USD which exceeds the authorities of the Acting Defense Minister, Sadoun al-Dulaimi, which is 100 Million USD.

8- There are no financial allocations in the budget of the Defense Minister to cover the amount of this deal.

9- The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, did not answer the questions sent to him yet.

“The committee recommends sending this issue to the integrity commission and the attorney general to complete the investigation and take the suitable actions,” the source added, noting that “The committee recommends also investigating all the former deals.”

“The report that will be voted on by the members of the committee and sent to the parliament will be the formal one,” the source concluded.