Friday, September 27, 2024


Kurdistan Region Presidency upholds Anbar mass demonstrations

Erbil ( The Presidency of Kurdistan Region upheld the legitimate and constitutional demands of the demonstrations which have launched in Anbar and many other Iraqi provinces.

The spokesperson of Kurdistan Region Presidency, Omid Sabah, stated that “Iraq is subject to deep crisis that prompted the people in many Iraqi provinces to demonstrate to express discontent towards the government’s performance.”

“At the time we support those demonstrations, we call all the political forces especially the Iraqi National Alliances to urgently address the reasons that created this situation,” he added.

These demands must be molded within the constitution’s framework and away from the sectarian slogans,” Sabah concluded.

It is worth mentioning that Anbar witnesses since a week demonstrations to protest the arrest of the guards of the Finance Minister, Rafa al-Issawi.

On other hand, correspondent has reported on Sunday that “Mutleg, While attempting to go up to the platform to talk to the demonstrators they threw him with shoes.”