Monday, September 23, 2024


Wardi accuses Federal Court of attempting to weaken Parliament’s role

Wardi accuses Federal Court of attempting to weaken Parliament\

Baghdad ( MP, Liqa Wardi, of the Iraqiya Slate accused the Federal Court of attempting to weaken the role of the Parliament.

She stated to “The Federal Court is trying to weaken the parliament supervisory role by accepting the appeals of Ministers belong to political blocs,” noting that “These Ministers face charges of corruption and that is why the parliament want to investigate them.”

“The decisions of the Federal Court clearly indicate its submission to the Government’s control,” she concluded.

Earlier, the Federal Court accepted the appeal presented by the Minister of Youth and Sport concerning the investigation that was supposed by the parliament on last Wednesday for charges related to corruption.

Some sides accuse the Iraqi judiciary of being pressurized by some political sides in its decisions.