Saturday, September 21, 2024


Nusaiyf criticizes participation of some MPs in current demonstrations

Nusaiyf criticizes participation of some MPs in current demonstrations

Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusaiyf of the Iraqiya Hurra coalition criticized the participation of some MPs in the current demonstrations which sweep a number of Iraqi provinces.

Nusaiyf cited in a statement received by that “The MPs were supposed to deal with the protests nueterally on basis of being MPs through considering the demands and seek to fulfill them instead of making themselves subject to suspicions that they might want to achieve political gains on account of the demonstrators’ aspirations.”

It is worth to mention that Anbar, Nineveh, and Salah il-Din provinces witness demonstrations and sit-ins for a week to protest the arrest of the guards of the Finance Minister, Rafa al-Issawi, calling at the same time to release the woman and men prisoners.