Sunday, September 22, 2024


Anbar demonstrations aim to marginalize Maliki, says MP

Anbar demonstrations aim to marginalize Maliki, says MP

Baghdad ( MP, Ahmed al-Araibi, of the White bloc assured that the demonstrations of Anbar province aim to marginalize the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki.

He stated to Iraqi News ( on Thursday “I call all the political blocs to hold an urgent meeting to conduct dialogue over the current dangerous crisis in Iraq where they have to hold responsibility over the interferences of the foreign countries in the Iraqi internal affairs otherwise, the sectarian conflict will happen.”

“The demonstrations in Mosul and Anbar are not to call for releasing the women prisoners or canceling the Justice and Accountability law, but to marginalize Maliki and the Shiite where this is a project set by the Kurds, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar,” he concluded.