Saturday, September 28, 2024


SLC MP: Anbar, Mosul demonstrations represent foreign agenda

Baghdad ( MP, Kadhim al-Bahadli, of the State of Law Coalition attacked the demonstrations in Anbar and Mosul pointing out “These demonstrations do not represent Iraqis rather they represent foreign agenda.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “All sides know that the Iraqi National Alliance supports the political accord and the national interests but not releasing the criminals who killed the Iraqis.”

“The demonstrators call for releasing the criminals and the murderers who killed the Shabak and Turkmen in Mosul and those who were behind the bombings targeted the religious ceremonies,” he assured.

He called “The Iraqis to confront these demonstrations which seek destroying the country,” stressing “The citizens’ right in conducting demonstration but their demands must be constitutional away from the foreign conspiracies that want to eliminate the political process.”