Saturday, September 28, 2024


Fatlawi warns from plot to arouse sectarian violence in Iraq

Fatlawi warns from plot to arouse sectarian violence in Iraq

Baghdad ( MP, Hanan al-Fatlawi, of the State of Law Coalition assured that there is a plot for arousing sectarian violence in Iraq.

She stated to “Some countries support a plot aims at dividing Iraq and starting a sectarian conflict among its people and this can be clearly noticed through lifting the flags of Baath Party and the photos of the Turkish Premier, Recep Tayib Erdogan.”

“This plot must be confronted by the wise sides in this country by consolidating the unity among the Iraqis,” she assured.

Anbar, Nineveh and Salah-il-Din provinces witness demonstrations since days in protest of arresting the guards of the Finance Minister, Rafi al-Esawi, and calling to release the detainees in addition to getting the IA forces from the cities.