Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq stresses to UN its adherence to settle Kuwaiti prisoners – missing

Iraq stresses to UN its adherence to settle Kuwaiti prisoners and missing

( Iraq renewed its commitment to finalize the file of the Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons.

The Kuwaiti official news agency cited that “The Iraqi Ambassador to the United Nations, Hamid al-Bayati, sent a message to the chairman of the UN Security Council, in which he renewed the Iraqi Government’s adherence to continue efforts to search for the missing Kuwaitis and settle this humane and emotional issue.”

Bayati added that “The Iraqi Government reaffirms its support for the proposal of the UN Secretary General, Baan Ki-moon who called to run the two files of the missing Kuwaitis and the Kuwaiti properties by mutual Iraqi-Kuwaiti commission or by representative of the UNSG for this regard.”

With the end of the mission of the UN Coordinator, Gennady Tarasov, on 31th of last December, Ki-moon suggested on the Security Council to assume Tarasov’s Mission by the UNAMI or appoint temporary Coordinator for six months or to choose another coordinator from the UN council to assume this mission.