Wednesday, September 25, 2024


SLC MP describes demands of demonstrators as minority’s demands

SLC MP describes demands of demonstrators as "minority\

Baghdad ( MP Ali al-Shalah of the State of Law Coalition described those demands to cancel the Accountability & Justice Law and the article 4 of the Anti-Terrorism Law as “demands of the minority”.

Shalah told Iraqi News ( “The majority of the Iraqi people support the democracy and constitution; also they support the application of the execution’s provisions against the murderers and criminals.”

He added that “The ratification of the general amnesty law and cancelation of the ablation of Baath elements can encourage larger demonstrations of more credibility from Baghdad to Basra as there are hundreds of terrorism’s victims.”

Earlier, the ministerial commission that was formed to receive the demonstrators’ demands decided to take measures to address some files including the demand of canceling the A & J Law and the release of the prisoners and detainees.