Monday, September 23, 2024


KA condemns assassinating Issawi

KA condemns assassinating Issawi

Baghdad ( The Kurdistani Alliance condoled the Iraqiya Slate, and the Iraqi Parliament along with the Iraqi masses on assassinating MP Aifan al-Issawi who was targeted by terrorist attack on Tuesday in Anbar province

The spokesperson of the KA, Muayed al-Tayib, mentioned in a statement received by “The KA bloc denounces the criminal targeting for the political leading figures whom Issawi was one of them.”

“The murder crimes adopted by the terrorists against the Iraqi people and the political and national figures will not dissuade the political forces and their masses from continuing their struggle to rebuild a state that is based on safeguarding the freedoms and rights of the people,” Tayib concluded.

It is worth mentioning that MP Issawi has been assassinated on Tuesday by a suicide bombing in eastern Ramadi, capital of Anbar province.