Friday, September 27, 2024


Barzani meets delegation of Kurdish opposition

Baghdad ( The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, met a delegation of the Kurdish opposition in Erbil.

A statement by Barzani’s office received by cited “Barzani met, on Thursday, a delegation of the Kurdish opposition comprises Noshirwan Mustafa, the General Coordinator of Tagheer Movement, Mohammed Faraj al-Amin, the Secretary General of the Kurdistani Islamic Union and Ali Babeer, the Emir of the Islamic Group in Kurdistan Region.”

“The participants in the meeting discussed the political updates in Kurdistan Region and the relation among the Kurdish parties where they stressed the necessity of unifying the Kurdish stances in the current situation,” the statement added.

“The two sides decided to continue holding the meeting to achieve the solutions that serve the Kurdish people,” the statement concluded.

MP, Lateef Mustafa, of Taghyeer bloc within the Kurdistani Alliance launched fierce attack against the Kurdistani Democratic Party, headed by the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, accusing it of adopting double-dealing concerning the crises in the country.