Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Davutoglu: Maliki’s Monopolization behind current tension in Iraq

Davutoglu: Maliki\

Baghdad ( Turkey considered that the policy of the Iraqi Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, of marginalizing other political sides and Iraqi communities led to the crises and the tensions in Iraq.

Turkish News Agency quoted the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, as saying “Maliki’s policy in targeting the national figures in Iraq resulted in tension that could be turned into armed conflicts.”

“Targeting figure like the Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimi, and the Finance Minister, Rafi al-Esawi, who have honorable patriotic records then creating the disputes between the Central Government and the Kurdistani Regional Government increased the deterioration of the situation in Iraq,” he mentioned.

“Turkey is considered Iraq as a friend country and respect all its communities without discrimination,” he concluded.