Monday, September 23, 2024


Nusayif urges to clear Kuwaiti stocks within Zain Telecommunication’s firm

Nusayif urges to clear Kuwaiti stocks within Zain Telecommunication\

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Hurra Iraqiya Coalition urged the Iraqi Government to clear the Kuwaiti stocks within Zain Telecommunication’s firm to make all the stocks in the firm Iraqi to prevent wiretapping by Kuwait on the calls in Iraq.

She stated to “Kuwait is controlling the largest Telecommunication firm in Iraq since years, which involves danger concerning the national security in Iraq.”

“Zain is able to get wiretapping for all the phone calls of the governmental officials easily in addition to the telecommunications among the security forces and the governmental institutions,” she added.

She stressed “Eliminating the Kuwaiti control over this firm as soon as possible.”