Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kurdish Opposition bloc rules out extension of demonstrations to other provinces in Iraq

Kurdish Opposition bloc rules out extension of demonstrations to other provinces in Iraq

Baghdad ( The Kurdish Opposition bloc, Taghyeer, ruled out extension of the demonstrations witnessed in some provinces to the other provinces in Iraq.

MP, Haval Quistani, stated to “We can not describe these demonstrations as Arab Spring because they are not able to stretch to the other parts of the country.”

“These demonstrations will keep on disturbing the government of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, because they allow the foreign interferences that aggravate the governmental crises with the Kurds and others,” he mentioned.

“The State of Law Coalition, especially Dawa Islamic Party, headed by Maliki, will be isolated even among the Shiite community,” he emphasized.

“The Government must accept the peaceful solutions and the dialogue with all the political sides to find solutions for the disputes and to respond to the demonstrators’ legitimate demands,” he concluded.