Sunday, September 22, 2024


Kurdistani blocs condemn violence against demonstrators

Kurdistani blocs condemn violence against demonstrators

Baghdad ( The parliamentary Kurdish blocs strongly condemned the attacks against the demonstrators in Falluja city of Anbar province, calling to avoid engaging the army in the political disputes and suppressing the peaceful demonstrations.

The spokesperson of the Kurdistani Alliance, Muayed al-Tayeb said in a press conference held at the parliament building on Saturday “The Kurdish would like to condole the families of the victims of the peaceful demonstrations that are witnessed in Anbar, Mosul, Diyala and Salah il-Din provinces and the victims of Falluja incident in particular.”

He added “Involving the army forces in the demonstrations’ affairs should be coordinated with the local authorities in the provinces, so we call to withdraw the military barracks from inside the cities and return their deployment on the borders.”

“On other hand, we call on the demonstrators to keep the demonstrations peaceful and avoid the clashes with the security forces,” Tayeb concluded.