Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Hasnawi urges MPs to confront crises through parliament

Hasnawi urges MPs to confront crises through parliament

Baghdad ( MP, Jawad al-Hasnawi, of Ahrar bloc warned from figures who are professional in creating crises like the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, calling MPs to confront these crises through the parliament.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “MPs’ absence from the parliament sessions will create justifications to hinder the performance of the parliament, which is very critical at this current stage.”

He accused “Some political blocs of exporting crises to Iraqi public,” noting that “Keeping the crisis as it is will complicate the solution and take the country towards the danger.”

He called “All the political blocs including the Iraqiya Slate, Iraqi National Alliance and the State of Law Coalition to attend the parliament sessions and to keep the crises away from the public.”

He emphasized “Discussing the political disputes to show opinions over them despite the fact that the parliament becomes a place for disputes.”

Earlier, the Iraqiya Slate decided to attend only the sessions that are devoted to discuss the laws that concern the demonstrators and those of strategic significance.