Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Wardi: Withdrawal of IS MPs, Ministers depends on responding to demonstrators’ demands

Wardi: Withdrawal of IS MPs, Ministers depends on responding to demonstrators\

Baghdad ( MP, Liqa Wardi, of the Iraqiya Slate, assured that the withdrawal of the MPs and the ministers of the IS depends on responding to the demonstrators’ demands by the political blocs such as the State of Law Coalition.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, she said “The IS could not convey the demonstrators’ demands through endorsing the important laws to reduce the public tension,” noting that “As being politicians, we will have another decision by withdrawing from the political process and calling to dismiss the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki in addition to conducting early elections.”

“The laws that are for the interests of the public are hindered by the SLC in the parliament,” she concluded.

The Ministers of the IS announced after the Slate’s meeting at the residence of the Deputy Premier, Salih al-Mutleg, on last Monday that they will boycott the session of the Council of Ministers to protest putting off the demonstrators’ demands.