Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Maliki may release terrorists to keep on authority, says Mansouri

Maliki may release terrorists to keep on authority, says Mansouri

Baghdad ( MP, Hussien al-Mansouri, of Ahrar bloc assured “The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, started to present concessions for the demonstrators concerning important cases.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The issue of investigating Maliki in the parliament became useless,” noting that “He must be dismissed as soon as possible.”

“Maliki started to behave improperly towards the country and this led Iraq to a critical stage so we must speed up the process to dismiss him,” he added.

“Maliki may release the terrorists as he released the women prisoner that he previously described them as terrorists,” he concluded.

Maliki approved involving all women detainees in a special amnesty.