Sunday, September 22, 2024


Turkmen nominates 5 Turkmen candidates to occupy Deputy MoI post

Turkmen nominates 5 Turkmen candidates to occupy Deputy MoI post

Baghdad ( The Turkmen Community nominated five Turkmen candidates to occupy the post of the Deputy Minister of Interior to replace the former Deputy, Adil Khalid, who was referred to retirement in last 2012.

Turkmen MP, Hasan Ozman, stated to “This post is granted to the Turkmen Community and currently we are waiting for the Government to nominate one of the 5 candidates to occupy this post.”

“This demand was among several demands presented during the meeting of the National Security Council including the demand of forming regiments to protect Talafar and Kirkuk as well as Tuz Khurmatu in addition to Diyala,” he stressed.

Concerning announcing Tuz Khurmatu as a devastated area, he said “We submitted a request to the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, in this regard and we are waiting for the response of the Council of Minister.”