Saturday, September 28, 2024


Deviation of demonstrations to reveal regional interference in them, says Bayati

Deviation of demonstrations to reveal regional interference in them, says Bayati

Baghdad ( MP, Abbas al-Bayati, of the State of Law Coalition assured “The deviation of the demonstrations will reveal the regional interference in them.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “There are governmental and parliamentary efforts to respond to the demonstrators’ demands which we consider as legitimate till now but if they deviated from their public demands to arouse sectarianism and civil war, the regional agenda behind them will appear.”

Over report mentioned that Baath Party opened in an office in Anbar, Bayati stressed “We rule out opening offices for Baath Party but we have no doubts that Ba’athists are attempting to exploit the demonstrations.”

Concerning the expected visit of Yousif al-Qardhawi to Iraq, Bayati mentioned “This visit will create sedition rather than peace so we hope the inviting sides to reconsider their invitation.”

“In case there will be security operations in future, they will be targeting the terrorists rather than the peaceful demonstrators,” he concluded.