Saturday, September 21, 2024


U.S. base in Amara rocketed

MISSAN / The U.S. base in a-Batiera airport in Amara on Tuesday cane under Katyusha rockets attack, an Iraqi military source said. “Five Katyusha rockets hit the U.S. military base in al-Batiera airport in northwestern Amara,” the source told “The U.S. forces sealed off the region and arrested two gunmen and found with them two rockets pads,” he added. “The incident caused no human or material damage,” he noted. Missan is a Shiite province. Its capital city is al-Amara. Sitting on the Tigris River, Amara lies 390 km south of Baghdad. Missan, in the east of the country, bordering Iran, is home to many marsh Arabs. SH (P)/SR 1