Tuesday, September 24, 2024


White bloc not to vote on 2013 budget without increasing allocations of Diwaniya

White bloc not to vote on 2013 budget without increasing allocations of Diwaniya

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The White bloc announced that it will not vote on the federal budget law of 2013 without increasing the allocations of Diwaniya province and the jobs provided to the province.

MP, Aziz al-Mayahi, stated to IraqiNews.com “Diwaniya is among the poor provinces that suffered from marginalization during the time of the former regime.”

“The suffering of Diwaniya continues in the current stage due to the unjust distribution of the allocations among the Iraqi provinces,” he added.

“Diwaniya does not have revenues like other provinces and its citizens started to feel that they are ignored by the authorities,” he concluded.

The parliament is supposed to vote on 2013 budget law draft during its Tuesday session.