Monday, September 23, 2024


2 members of group abused South of Iraq’s tribes delegation arrested in Anbar

2 members of group abused South of Iraq\

Anbar ( The people commissions associated to Anbar demonstrations arrested two of the mercenaries who attacked the delegation of south of Iraq’s tribes on last Monday.

The head of Anbar Tribes Council, Sheikh Hameed al-Shawka told Iraqi News “The people commissions arrested two of the group which attacked the delegation of the south of Iraq’s chieftains,” noting “The arrestees confessed their belonging to a certain partisan side that try to harm the reputation of the demonstrations and rip the national unity.”

A delegation comprising tribal leaders of south of Iraq tribes reported to media outlets that they were attacked by stones and water bottles and insults while they were visiting Anbar protest square in Ramadi city, capital of Anbar.