Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Davuto?lu: We advise Maliki to know the value of Turkey’s friendship

Davuto?lu: We advise Maliki to know the value of Turkey\

Baghdad ( The Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davuto?lu, slammed the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, for the latter’s statements in which he criticized Turkey and accused it of interfering in the Iraqi internal affairs.

Speaking to reporters in Cairo, where he is attending the foreign ministers’ meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Davuto?lu said, “Maliki is not able to realize the value of Turkey and its contribution in sustaining peace in the region.”

“It is better for Maliki to consider the internal problems in Iraq and his failure to achieve economic progress during the seven years of his rule in a country classified as one the richest countries in world in its natural resources,” he emphasized.

He continued “Maliki was trying to cover up his failure,” noting that “The pain of an Iraqi brother or sister is the pain of Turkey.”

“Maliki asked the Turkish help to confront terrorism when it was spread in Iraq,” he went on, confirming that “Turkey supported him continuously to reduce tensions when he was about to start conflict with Syria.””No one can get between our Iraqi brothers and us,” the minister added, stressing that “Turkey has never discriminated between Sunnis, Shiites, Turkmens, Arabs or Kurds.”

“The people of Iraq are aware of this. Prime Minister al-Maliki should not make efforts to create an agenda to cover up his failure.

We advise al-Maliki to know the value of Turkey’s friendship. We hope that al-Maliki will make statements based on good sense.”

Maliki, in a recent interview, accused Turkey of meddling in Iraq’s internal problems and staging conspiracies. Baghdad and Ankara have been at odds, especially after the Turkish refusal to hand over the death sentenced VP, Tariq al-Hashimi.