Friday, September 20, 2024


Civilian killed, 16 wounded in Mosul bombing

NINEWA / One civilian was killed and 16 others were wounded in a suicide bombing that ripped through downtown Mosul city, according to a local police source. “Today, a bicycle bomb driven by a suicide bomber targeted a demonstration organized by the Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP) in Mosul’s downtown area of al-Dawasa, protesting Israeli attacks on Gaza,” the source told “One civilian was killed and 16 others were wounded in the blast,” the source noted. Meanwhile, a leading IIP member, Yahya Abd Mahjoub, said that the wounded included nine party members. The IIP, led by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, is one of the main components of the Sunni Iraqi Accord Front (IAF). Earlier today, eyewitnesses from Mosul city said that an improvised explosive device (IED) targeted a crowd of demonstrators protesting Israeli attacks on Hamas-run territories, leaving a number of casualties. Nearly 200 people were reported dead after Israeli F-16 bombers launched a series of air strikes against multiple targets in the Gaza Strip. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SS (S) 1