Saturday, September 28, 2024


Hakim meets delegation of south of Iraq’s tribes

Hakim meets delegation of south of Iraq\

Baghdad ( The head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, urged to speed up meeting the legitimate demands of the demonstrators.

A statement by the SIIC cited that “Hakim received a delegation representing the tribes of south of Iraq which has visited Anbar province in recent. Hakim renewed his uphold to the legitimate demands of the demonstrations witnessed by a number of Iraqi provinces.”

“For their parts, the delegation’s figures praised Hakim’s defense for the legitimate rights of all the Iraqi people,” the statement added noting “The Iraqi tribes are committed to the recommendations o the Religious Authority.”

The statement referred that “The leader of Ka’ab tribe, Ahmed Yousif confirmed that “The tribes of the south support the legal demands of the demonstrators in the western provinces.”