Monday, September 23, 2024


UNSG denounces attack against MKO elements in Baghdad

UNSG denounces attack against MKO elements in Baghdad

Baghdad ( The UN Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, strongly denounced the attack against the camp of Mujahedeen Khalq Organization in Baghdad on last Friday.

Camp residents were previously situated at Camp Ashraf in eastern Iraq, but were relocated last year, in line with an agreement signed in December 2011 between the UN and the Iraqi Government.

“The Secretary-General calls on the Government of Iraq, which is responsible for the safety and security of residents of both Camp Liberty and Camp Ashraf, to promptly and fully investigate the incident and bring perpetrators to justice,” said Mr. Ban’s spokesperson in a statement. “He has repeatedly stated that violence and provocation are unacceptable.”

“Mr. Ban also reiterated the UN’s strong commitment to continue its long-standing efforts to facilitate a peaceful and durable solution for residents of both camps,” the statement added.

In a news release, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, UNAMI, said it is closely liaising with the Government on the response to the incident, including medical assistance to the wounded.

“Mr. Ban’s Special Representative in the country, Martin Kobler, has also asked Iraqi authorities to promptly conduct an investigation into the mortar explosions,” the statement concluded.